The team of Vigilantibus-iura is here to defend your legal rights. Your rights and our knowledge as well as experiences in legal systems and economic and tax circumstances enable us to ‘tailor’ the best way of the procedure and the concrete steps timing.
We provide a complex approach entailing the case analysis and evaluation, proposing concrete possibilities of a procedure with regards to legal state and tax circumstances including the possibility of financing out-of-court settlement and court application of rights as well as the legal representation itself.
Apart from the complex legal services provision, our specialisation is the enforcement of claims arising from the competition rules infringement regulated from one part by the national law of the country from the other part by the EU Law (Articles 101 and 102 of Treaty on functioning of the EU). So called private enforcement is currently supported also by the European Commission that supports significantly any efforts of those suffering from competition law infringements to recognize their rights and claims and apply them against those who caused such harm.
The European Commission imposed fines for cartel infringements in 30 most significant cases in amounts of 10 billion EUR in the period of 2007 – 2011. Cartels represent one of the most serious forms of competition infringements and entail serious distortion of economic development and large damages in the entire society. Thus, the investigation in these cases is one of the top priorities not only for national authorities but also for the European Commission.
The European Commission expects in a document from April 2008 that only the most serious forms of cartels in the EU cause the negative impact on consumers and other injured persons (cartel competitors) in the scale of 25 billion EUR (more conservative expectation) to 69 billion EUR (a less conservative expectation) annually!
These expectations do not include other forms of EU competition law infringements such as the abuse of a dominant position. Also other numbers are interesting for those who are injured by other non-competition practices (who are our potential trade partners – clients). The report on impact assessment drafted by the European Commission expects that the competition victims lose their compensation in between 5,7 to 23,3 billion EUR annually! (page 14 and fol. Commission Staff Working Document, Accompanying document to the White Paper on Damages actions for breach of the EC antitrust rules, Impact Assessment, SEC (2008) 405, 2 April 2008).
Reasons why victims lose such great values are various. They are not aware of the fact that a harm was made, the calculation of costs is too complicated and professional, activity that requires the knowledge of legal issues as well as the inevitable amount of data and information, the knowledge of economic and econometric scientific disciplines, application of correct analytical methods as well as the necessity to dully discover casual circumstances of competent industry field, eventually the submission of a claim before the court is related to the financial costs and the insecurity on a final result that discourage applicants from a claim application. Therefore, the specialised team of Vigilantibus-iura has been created.
Our team consists of experts being active in the field of national and international law, tax issues, in economic and econometric disciplines. We cooperate also with other experts in European and American countries.
Introducing key persons of Vigilantibus-iura group:
Michal studied at School of Law, University of Comenius in Bratislava. He counselled one of the leading telecommunication companies in Slovakia. Michal is the establishing member of the Vigilantibus-iura group.
Karol studied at School of Law, University of Comenius in Bratislava. He is an attorney-at-law from 2008 and is one of the establishing member of the Vigilantibus-iura group.
Ján studied at School of Law, University of Comenius in Bratislava. He is an attorney-at-law from 2008 and is one of the establishing member of the Vigilantibus-iuragroup.
Peter studied at School of Law, University of Comenius in Bratislava. He is an attorney-at-law from 2008 and is one of the establishing member of the Vigilantibus-iuragroup.
Pavol studied at School of Law, University of Comenius in Bratislava. He is an attorney-at-law from 2008 and is one of the establishing member of the Vigilantibus-iura group.
Martin studied at the School of Economy, University of Matej Bel in Banská Bystrica. He is specialising in the field of telecommunication and consulting the most significant telecommunication companies in Slovakia. He is well known for his credit of being experienced and evaluated top manager. He stands to be the main analyst and economist in our team.
If you wish to be served by our team of experts, please contact us through this form.